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Our Top Rated Strip Poker Babes (see all)

Valeria 2 - hot poker girl
Valeria: 7.6/10
Marilyn - hot poker girl
Marilyn: 7.6/10
Sapphira - hot poker girl
Sapphira: 7.5/10
Kristina - hot poker girl
Kristina: 7.5/10
Gloria - hot poker girl
Gloria: 7.5/10
Dominika - hot poker girl
Dominika: 7.5/10
Rebecca 2 - hot poker girl
Rebecca: 7.5/10
Isizzu 2 - hot poker girl
Isizzu: 7.5/10
Lola - hot poker girl
Lola: 7.5/10


Win rate: 81%

Even at twenty-four Nicca already has the grace and elegance of a more mature lady. Luckily for you, she’s not got a lot of poker experience – play her now, for free!

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  1. GKman says:

    I’m #1 😛 😀

  2. luddie says:

    Poker Chick:
    Is this Erica Lightspeed?

  3. PokerChick says:

    @luddie – I dunno, tbh. It does look a bit like her, so I couldn’t rule it out..

  4. bender says:

    Hey PC Im having trouble getting the playing screen to load. I can see the girls ,stats ,comments,stars and a small loding icon but no playing field. Any suggestions? Just for reference Im running adobe flash player (the latest version) thx

  5. grant_lee says:

    A bit disapointed : I had expected a much more “kinky” ending …

  6. d man says:

    umm can u change it that when u draw the money goes 50/50 caus its annoying me i often draw and lose all my money

  7. LikePokerAndLadies says:

    I do hoped for a more exciting/kinky ending or a more xxxciting series of pics, though the girl is a cuite. I got a draw d-man, it did chop the pot.

  8. LOL says:

    @d man: the pot does get split if you draw, mabey you’re forgetting the kicker or something like that?

  9. Ilikepuss says:

    I like this cute girl

  10. d man says:

    @LOL nah i got pair of fours and so did she and it aint splitting and its not like ive getting pair of 2s and she gets a pair of 3s its always teh same

  11. zio says:

    una bella gnocca sexy

  12. LOL says:

    @If you both have a pair of fours but the other card in her hand is higher than your’s she’ll get the pot, it’s called a kicker. That’s what I was saying.

  13. Marko says:

    d man, you have no clue.

  14. pod88 says:

    this was too easy, just 4 hands. maybe it was my lucky day

  15. Commander says:

    Needs to take off the skirt and lay back more

  16. Morg says:

    My first Royal Flush!

  17. footguy says:

    great tits, excellent feet. thanks again pokerchick.

  18. oldvocks says:

    Beautiful………nice…but OMG…what happened to her pussy – maybe………..??? ish ish ish

  19. ae2 says:

    Very nice girl!

  20. Will says:

    Wow she has Lovely toes, I could go off on the tootsies 🙂

  21. Will says:

    :-0 Yummy

  22. dxkt says:

    what a sweet ass and juicy pussy for all the licking and fucking you can handle………

  23. Bas says:

    Lovely and very hot girl. hard to get but if you are patient enough she is worth it

  24. Mike Oxbigg & Mike La'Taurus says:

    She has pretty big cankles. But we wouldn’t be fucking her cankles. In the second to last pic we sure would like pushin’ that pussy. And some doggie looks good in the finale.

  25. Bas says:

    I don’t know why this beauty is rarely visited, she has a perfect body, a charming smile, and if I may quote from Sue “she has quite an edible pussy”. Last but not least are the last 2 shots.

  26. clive ng says:

    very hard player!!!wonderful lips pussy n a small beautiful tits!!!top play

  27. Sue says:

    Bas is right – Nicca is a super-turn-on. Perfect from top to bottom. Second last shot is one of the best on this site. And TOTALLY EDIBLE! Thanks PC – I’d be so thrilled if you bought Nicca back x

  28. CHARLE"S says:


  29. clive ng says:

    thank u hold em strip em!!!!i love this game

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