Tags: Big Boobs, Black, Buxom, Cuban, Dark Hair, High Heels, Katia, Lingerie, Stockings

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Cuban hottie, Katia de Lys, may not be the most patient poker player in the world, so watch out – she’s longing to crush you between her powerful thighs…
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Primo !?!
Sarà poi vero ???
nice natural body.
Why is everyone rating her so low she is very pretty. PokerChick i hope this doesnt prevent you from posting more girls like this. It is always European girls.
pokerchick sorry but i am fully disappointed
ps: i played till its end, but still 00
She’s quite pretty if you ask me, not so good a poker thought. Beat her quickly, but i’m not complaining. Nice final picture!!
Very beautiful ! I do not fear the dark.
thanks for the game pokerchick
Thanks Poker Chick…BUT she could eat an apple through a picket fence. Nice Nipples though!
Finally, a little diversity. I love beautiful women of all colors and races. Please more different women.
Well, I gave her a 10. She’s super-hot. Great outfit, great poses. What’s not to like? I’ll take more like this one.
Good looking girl, but fucking boring game, always folds, folds folds never takes a risk the fisrt time as played for over an hour and could get to the fourth stack, same the second time and have not got the time to waste, this is the worse game on the site, which is a pity because the girl is hot and deservse better than this pile of shit fucking, fucking fucking boring!!! If I had paid to play this I would be fucking suing someone for this fucking, fucking fucking boring game CRAP!!!!! Rating -1
man what a fun night this girl would be!!! great body love me some chocolate milk lol… sounds like joe has some issues so here is a thought for you joe.. if you dont like the site then dont come back!!! great job pokerchick!!
Wonderfull ass, asshole and pussy. Absolutly underrating (7.4) : shame on the preceeding winners. I won by slow playing and folding, waiting for goods hands.
I think she is very attractive. Her assests are great. Love those nips. Diversity is good.
I made it
ok I know how to play tunck and poker never played texes holdem to much
First present on 2014 and what a wonderful surprise I got when I removed the wrapping. Happy new year to all
Very Nice
best one on the site
Would just love to suck on those nipples. And she shows in that last pic that she likes to fuck doggie style.
Sweet. Love to taste this one.
very pretty girl !!!top pussy n nice tits middle player i take 5 minutes 40 second to bit katia top game
A sweet little wonderful ebony baby!
hahaha! small dick fruiti franti want big black dick in ass hole!!! WHAT NEXT!!!
Clive the Turd seems to want to have the last word on every page. What has that got us? Two months and more between new models to play! His uncouth comments are ruining this site. And he seems to know it. And he keeps on with it. He is a wreck of a human being. The fact that he has been abused by his own family doesn’t excuse him.
I am going to continue to tell the truth on that guy. Because I AM THE HAMMER!!!
hahaha evil hammer evil hammer evil hammer become intelligent in your lifetime !!!what truth evil hammer ass hole said!!! after said all thing on me I piss on ass hole evil hammer !!! NOT little gay like evil hammer ass break know all about me!!!myself don t know my story that he tell!! I know who I AM !!!!WHAT NEXT!!!
The little pervert boy clive ng (no-genitals) is clueless even about his own life. The big truth hurts doesn’t it you little turd. Deep down in your soul you know that you are the worst person ever to comment on this site. Yarrow a sad sack; a wretched human being. So many diseases and disorders wrack your body and your brain. So stick that up your asshole.
evil hammer ass hole forget that I AM THE EVIL HAMMER ASS HOLE N I AM A LITTLE GAY LIKE a big coke in my ass hole!!!! hahaha!!!said what truth about me nothing evil hammer ass hole can do apart suck a big black dick!!!WHAT NEXT!!!
Little boy clive ng just proved my comment with that last outburst. He has a sick mind to match his sick body. The degenerate is so obsessed with poop that he even eats his own poop. That is another truth that I shout out on the mountain tops. I AM THE HAMMER AND THE TRUTH SAYER!!! And there is nothing that little pervert can do to quiet my voice. He comes from a family of sick degenerate perverts. He was raised by his mother and grandmother who both became perverts in their teens. But little boy clive was born a pervert, he was raised a pervert, and he will be a sick pervert for the rest of his life. Too bad and so sad.
May god bless.
evil hammer ass hole know GOD !!! evil hammer ass poop is a perv what evil hammer ass hole doing on this site to look naked woman the almighty punish you idiot never become intelligent u stay a ass break in his life anyway!!! am here to kick the evil hammer ass hole !!!WHAT NEXT!!!hahaha
Little turd boy clive doesn’t understand the difference between playing online strip poker and his obsession with poop! He likes poop sex even though he is incapable of orgasm because of his mutilation. His fixation on poop is why he is called the turd. To Clive NG(no-genitals) sex always includes poop. Imagine this guy with a mouthful of his own poop. That is what he is all about. For him that is all there is and so there’s no reason to ask WHAT NEXT.
And remember. I AM THE HAMMER!!!
am here nothing u can do 4 that !!!I am evil hammer ass hole n a little gay love a big coke in my mouth !!!!that s the truth about me hahaha this ass break evil hammer never become intelligent never comment on the model he just comment about clive ng !!!! he is a bad player in hold em strip em poker !!! I always strong here!!!WHAT NEXT!!!
Little boy clive ng is the turd.
His brother Manny told the truth on him.
my brother clive ng big bully boy. many time clive do bad sex things on little manny. brother clive put many things in ass hole of poor brother. hurt manny with multi finger. Multi fick fick. manny never forget big fingers in anus. mommy get mad n make clive take big coke of manny in asshole then clive must lick brown poop. clive love manny poop many time.
am here !!!! wonderful said manny ng myself I don t know if I have a sister hahaha in this low world!!!well done pussy poop manny ng I TAKE MY BIG DICK n FUCK YOUR THREE HOLD OF MANNY NG EVEN 4 HOLD IN HER EAR HOLD!!!WHAT NEXT!!!
KICOU me brother. u u suck. say truth finally n tell how you hurt me brother. no excuse that mommy punish u with broom in ur ass hole many many. also uncle punish u with big coke in ur ass then in ur mouth. taste good for you n make u happy. stop stop not say what next.
clive ng evil brother. multi fick fick. now keep dirty mouth not open again. KKKKKKK
Hahahahahahahahaha. The little pervert turd boy even bullied his own brother. Hang in there Manny. He has no credibility here anymore. He is a poop lover and butthole smeller. I applaud Manny stepping up to condemn his brother and expose how sick Clive is.
Your plight is horrible Mr. Manny Ng. You have been victimized by your own brother who has been exposed here as an extremely sick individual. Thank you for stepping up and relating your story. I have noted that your brother Clive is mentally ill. Your testimony shows us that he is also sadistic and criminally insane. I have tried to help Clive by suggesting he get counseling and medication. But now I also realize he needs to be stopped. His attacks on here are bad. But what he has done to you is indicative of the dangers he presents. I implore you to share your story with law enforcement. Please don’t let this deranged fiend continue with his sordid agenda. You can get protection. Perhaps I can help. Let me know where you live so I can suggest how you can report your psychopathic sibling. You will be helping your entire family, including Clive himself.
I also fear what Clive might do next. He is imbalanced and he is a threat to himself, to you, and society. His sadism shows what a warped person he is.
multi thank good say 4 me. u r right me brother clive multi trouble. we in school same n clive have no friends. they call him pussy other boys. he not know any girls n never go out. school girls name clive pussy poop so funny he all time said that now. brother still never get sex only see pictures of no clothes girls. clive get love make from boys use clive mouth with big coke push push. multi fick fick in clive mouth. multi suck suck.
yess. clive brother always bad. him bully manny n call me sister. MULTI FICK FICK. STOP STOP CLIVE BROTHER.