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Our Top Rated Strip Poker Babes (see all)

Valeria 2 - hot poker girl
Valeria: 7.6/10
Marilyn - hot poker girl
Marilyn: 7.6/10
Sapphira - hot poker girl
Sapphira: 7.5/10
Kristina - hot poker girl
Kristina: 7.5/10
Gloria - hot poker girl
Gloria: 7.5/10
Dominika - hot poker girl
Dominika: 7.5/10
Rebecca 2 - hot poker girl
Rebecca: 7.5/10
Isizzu 2 - hot poker girl
Isizzu: 7.5/10
Lola - hot poker girl
Lola: 7.5/10


Win rate: 85%

Jana feels like a bit of an amateur, or so she says – judge her poker playing for yourself..

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All of Jana - click for more

Jana 2 - hot poker girl
Jana - hot poker girl


  1. GotHer says:

    Well done. This new player is tough. It took a while, but well worth it.

  2. walahhh says:


  3. stanley says:

    Whats her full name?

  4. Jack says:

    Jana Horova

  5. SCtheReaper says:

    Not bad, too many girls with fake boobs really though. Need more natural girls.

    Jelena Jensen would be nice 🙂

  6. Black Bart says:

    You might be able to find her under a couple of aliases as well, stanley; Sandra Kalerman and Carmen Cocks

  7. Yohnny says:

    Good looking, at least until i noticed her armhair wtf that’s disgusting.

  8. Black Bart says:

    Agree with the fake boobs thing, reaper. Jana had a very nice set before she got the boob job. Not sure why she would want to go and ruin it all…

  9. SCtheReaper says:

    Too many women do that these days, often glamour models and porn stars… guess there’s some sort of pressure to try to stand out more or something, but to me it’s just a turn off.

  10. dion says:

    nice tit……

  11. HGJHG says:

    fucking RIGGED! can’t ever finish her!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. PokerChick says:

    it’s not rigged, but some girls do change their playing style when they’re almost beaten – that may be why you’re finding it hard to finish her off.. patience, grasshopper..

  13. MagillaGorilla says:

    Once you knock all her clothes off, she gets way too cautious (and almost psychic about what cards you’re holding and what are coming). At that point, I figure you’ve seen her naked and got most of her money, best to just walk away from the table. Otherwise you’re going to be up all night just trying to eke that last $100 out of her. Not worth it.

  14. luddie says:

    I agree that Jelena Jensen would be great here!

  15. luddie says:

    She also goes by the name Carmen Cocks

  16. john says:

    The person is way way to hard to beat. I have tired 10 times and can never get past the 2nd strip.

  17. Sammeh says:

    Beat her in 1 game, took less than 10 minutes.

  18. bolt says:

    how do i see all the pictures without playing the game?

  19. PokerChick says:

    @bolt, you could click the link through to virtuagirl, I suppose..

  20. MusicJDG says:

    Cheats badly at the end. Absolutely ridiculous.

  21. Gotanewmotor says:

    I’ve played nearly all of these girls and I never seen one cheat yet, musicjdg. Some start to play looser or tighter when there low on chips tho

  22. Drmax says:

    Can’t win? Maybe you just suck at poker – like Sammeh, it took me about 10 minutes +/- You can ride trips a long way and a full boat will usually take you all the way!

  23. liftie says:

    she’s difficut to beat. Took me fifteen mins and I lose the game.

  24. Alex says:

    This one was easy! Got her in like.. 20 shots ?

    But soooo great!

  25. korey says:


  26. korey says:


  27. truckie says:

    yohnny, wtf there should be be more hair especially on the pussy

  28. anon. says:

    ( . Y . )<—-boobys!

  29. git-r-done01 says:


  30. TIN SAMS says:


  31. footguy says:

    thanks again pokerchick. great site.

  32. oldvocks says:

    another cheater!!!!!! got pair n higher every round….. and higher beat almost from the last card….fuck

  33. B Rad says:

    Great legs and an amazing pussy shot at the end!! Beat her in 10 min, i think some of these guys just don’t know how to play poker.

  34. Frenchy says:

    Wonderful boobs and delicious pussy at the end. Legs are splendid too.

  35. dippy says:

    Jana just reemerged as Vicky Vee in a few videos a couple months ago. If you like the game, you’ll really like them. Teamskeet is the name of the website.

  36. George says:

    Thats Carmen Cocks. Not Vicky Vee

  37. Bobby says:

    Good player and a very yummy pussy to boot.

  38. dxkt says:

    i am head over heals in love!!!! i would fuck this girl so many times until my cock hurt or i could not get it up anymore… then i would take viagra and go for some more lol very hot girl need more of her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Parker says:

    ARM HAIR!!!!!!

  40. JinXXX says:

    O.K. as for the Hair under the Arm Pits,
    Jeeves Fetch my Weed Wacker.
    As for the Land Scaping, Nice…
    But like Over Inflated Flated Tires,
    She does Risk the Chance of a Rupter
    In the case of to much Bounce…
    Again it’s a Jeep thing!

  41. Mike Oxbigg & Mike La'Taurus says:

    85% win rate didn’t slow us down. She has nice tits and looks very fuckable.

  42. PNF says:

    Yeah, not crazy about fake boobs. But she is pretty, has great legs, a lovely pussy, and rocks the bikini.

  43. clive ng says:

    middle player!!! big tits n nice pussy top game

  44. Sue says:

    Sue is horny – would love to tongue bath Jana. – Thanks PC x

  45. Green Dragon says:

    good player !!!

  46. Spivey says:

    Without fail, she folds everytime I bet on a pocket pair before the flop.


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